Wed 4 November 2009

Please add your name to the following list for this zone.

This is due on Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight EST - If you add yourself later than this, put your name in and then send Rathiel a tell in game or have an officer leave him an in-game message.

(DRK) - ACC: Kurosawa(#1), Elevencharlie(#2)
(SCH) -
(THF*) -
(BRD) -
(WHM*) - +1: Purrrl(#1)
(COR*) -
(RDM) -
(DNC*) - REG: Chibibelle(#1), Scorcher(#2)
(NIN) - ACC: kamel(#1), Ichiroson(#2), Niomi(#3), Darkmage(T)
(MNK) - +1: Bubbo(#1)
(BLU) -
(BST*) -
(PUP) - ACC: Tatjiana(#1)
(SAM*) -
(RNG) - ACC: Tibzz(#1)
(BLM) - +1: Bojanglo(#1), Handsofhell(Pts)
(SMN*) - +1: Rathiel(#1), Raltga(#2)
(PLD) - ACC: Napalmman(#1), Danith(#2)
(WAR) -
(DRG) -
Lots are now locked
* Represent Jobs Without Accessory Drop
Note: All Regular AF drops Are the Level 72 Pieces. All -1 Gear are Hands Pieces.

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